Saturday, August 24, 2013

About our Bloggers

About Friendship Circle

Friendship Circle of Michigan is a non-profit organization that provides programs and support to the families of individuals with special needs. In addition to assisting individuals with special needs, Friendship brings together teenage volunteers and children with special needs for hours of fun and friendship. These shared experiences empower the children, our special friends, while enriching the lives of everyone involved.

Friendship Circle International

Since Friendship Circle of Michigan was founded in 1994 Friendship Circle has spread to over 80 cities worldwide. To date Friendship Circle has cultivated friendships between 7,000 special children and close to 11,000 teen volunteers.
To learn more about Friendship Circle visit 

About This Blog

With over 75,000 visitors a month, the Friendship Circle Special Needs Resource blog is one of the biggest special needs blogs in the world. Currently the blog has over 500 articles on special needs topics including: parenting, special education, products, therapy tips, videos and more.
You’ll hear from parents, special educators, therapists, advocates, and those with special needs themselves. Whether you come to learn, share, or give your own opinion join us…. You are among friends.

Post by Madan Kumar Pathak

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